In Memory

Marcia Dunn (Siemens)

Marcia Dunn Seimans passed away this week after a battle with cancer.  She was very active in the cummunity of Toledo. This is a link to her obituary.

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10/31/13 03:52 PM #1    

Mel DeMars

Marcia was a good friend at Start HS.  We had a lot of laughs together.  She was full of joy and optimism.  Sadly, our paths never crossed after high school.  I'm happy to see she had a full and productive life, loved and respected by all she encountered along the way.  May she rest in peace.


Mel DeMars

10/31/13 10:26 PM #2    

Dennis Reardon

Marcia was a wonderfull friend throughout High School at Roy C. Start. There was nothing that we could not share with each other and everything that we could endure. I could not have asked for a better friend and confidant. I hope she thought the same about me. Her understanding and compassion will be the things that I hold dear about her in my memory. She and her family will be in my prayers for her peaceful rest.

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